Hello. It's Onew.

I'm sincerely sorry for disappointing my fans, who have been cheering me on and loving me, with bad news. I can't explain how much I disappointed my fans who cared for me even though I'm lacking during the past 4 months on hiatus... I came to deeply reflect and look back, I also hated and blamed myself endlessly. I thought over and over about how I should apologize, what words I should use to express myself, I felt so sorry to the point that I became cautious about even writing this letter.. I know it's too late but I'm finally uploading this letter. The more love and attention I receive I should have been more thorough and acted with responsibility even in my personal time. I only feel sorry for showing you this disappointing side of me. I'm really sorry to my members who I've worked hard together with for over 9 years.. I want to apologize once more through this letter to my parents and company staff who were shocked because of me. I'm always reflecting, and I will try to manage myself more strictly. In the future whether it's an external affair or personal affair I promise to really try my best and do everything to become a person who lives up to SHINee's name.

- From Onew