Hello. It's SHINee's Minho.

In regards to SHINee's Japanese concert, the members thought about it individually before meeting to discuss our plan and reached a careful decision at the end so I'm writing this to calmly convey my thoughts on the subject. Even as I am writing this now many thoughts are racing through my head and many emotions are intersecting moment by moment but I will try to convey my feelings calmly. I think there will be people who welcome this decision, but also people who express concern. We also don't know what the right answer is but we trust that this is the right answer for now and we plan to keep our promise with everyone. The irreplaceable memories we have together with the members, staff, and fans are so precious and make us the happiest. Nothing can take Jonghyun hyung's place, and there are a lot of worries about how complete our performances on stage will be, but we will prepare every future SHINee performance with 'sincerity' as if we are with Jonghyun hyung. As we promised to Jonghyun hyung and everyone, when we feel like giving up cos things get hard and want to run away from our weak hearts, we remember that everyone's help is the greatest strength to us and will continue singing songs dedicated to you guys. Although no one can even imagine the extent of our hardships, we will all overcome this together in order to keep our promise and trust that everyone will give us a lot of strength. SHINee feels grateful for that support every moment and will take more sincerity to fill up memories for Jonghyun hyung and everyone. Because of everyone's warm support I think I can spend this cold winter a little more warmly. Thank you.


[ Key ]

Hello it's SHINee's Key.

Thanks to many people's concern, I am trying to organize my feelings and return to my normal life. There are times when Jonghyun hyung's traces suddenly remind me of our memories together, and my heart hurts but I'm trying to overcome this by thinking that I'm spending this time with hyung. I am well aware that everyone is supportive of SHINee's unwavering activities and I've thought about this a lot, but I know that giving up everything and hoping to feel better is not the answer. At the core of everyone's worries, we have decided to go on with the Japanese concert as planned. We thought that this decision would be what Jonghyun hyung would have wanted to see, and keeping our promise to our fans by showing them a good performance, is the most SHINee-like image. This year will be SHINee's tenth year since debuting. Thank you so much for always cheering on and encouraging us, we will pay you back with a SHINee-like performance. I love you and thank you. KEY



Hello. It's SHINee's Taemin.

To be honest I didn't feel too confident about the concert at first. However I wanted to keep my promise to our fans and I also didn't want to part ways with the SHINee members in the future. When I look back on the times I felt most at ease, and happiest it was when I was with the members.. and our fans. The more I grew fond of the name SHINee and our team members the more I felt like not giving up. I know the future is never going to be easy but I'm going to do my best so that the name SHINee doesn't lose its light and can shine a little longer, so that it won't be forgotten. The members have made very beautiful memories for me and I'm so thankful to everyone so I want to cherish those precious memories for a long time. I want to continue to receive love as SHINee and I want to confidently trust our member who is watching us from the sky and get back on my feet and show SHINee standing on the stage. I am extremely sorry for worrying our fans, please keep an eye on us. It's cold so take care of yourselves and happy New Years.


[ ONEW ]

Hello. It's SHINee's Onew.

I don't know what I should talk about first. Thank you for protecting and taking care of our member whom I love so much and I feel nothing but sorry for making our fans worry. I thought that I couldn't. I also thought that I couldn't perform but after hearing Jonghyun's mother tell us to never give up. If I can comfort the many people who are missing him and hurting somewhere in the world I decided that although I am lacking I should work harder. I am really not good enough. But for SHINee I want to try my hardest. Even though the process may be difficult and hard I will do my best with all my strength. Jonghyun who will forever be a SHINee member is always with us in our hearts and because he will always be in our fans' hearts I think that nothing will change. We will continue to show how hard we work as SHINee. Thank you.